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Get Free Korean Address
Your Own free Korean address
Shopping Korea provides a free Korean address for customers
who purchase products from online shopping malls in Korea.
If you purchase a product from a Korean shopping mall to this address
and then place a New Order and Pay on Shopping Korea,
the product you purchased from the Korean shopping mall will be shipped to you. (Click Here)
Free storage period is 40 days, and you will be charged a daily pro-rata rate after the free storage period. (Click Here)
[Your Shopping Korea ID], Shopping Korea, 1105-Room, 201-Dong, Samjung-Greencore, 62, Dongtangwangyeokhwanseung-Ro, Hwaseong-Si, Gyeonggi-Do, Republic of Korea
(ZIP CODE 18479)
경기도 화성시 동탄광역환승로 62, 삼정그린코아 201동 1105호,
Shopping Korea, [Your Shopping Korea ID]
(ZIP CODE 18479)
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