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  • If you have suppliers and only need a dropshipping service from Korea
    Your suppliers do not provide international dropshipping services? Use our warehouse as a hub from which you can deliver worldwide using multiple carriers and shipping services. We stock your inventory in our warehouse at zero cost, and handle dropshipping with a customized solution for your products and packaging needs. We offer better rates as your shipping volumes go up! We repack, consolidate, or split the items which arrive in our warehouse at your request. We provide quality inspection service to ensure you don't ship in vain faulty products. You can assist your customers with their inquiries promptly by outsourcing Delivered Korea Customer Support team. You can plugin your Shopify store to our own CROSSBORDERS logistics app. CROSSBORDERS will manage your orders, choose carriers, get the best rates, and download reports (coming soon).
  • If you are looking for Korean sourcing suppliers as well as a dropshipping service from Korea
    Looking for reliable suppliers as well as an international dropshipping service agent? Delivered Korea will find and match your suppliers for K-pop goods, K-beauty, fashion, stationery and beyond. We can contact suppliers and negotiate the price to get a discounted deal on a bulk order if your buying volume equals or exceeds 50 items of the same SKU. Members will be able to order items directly from our Delivered Store with wholesale price and add for dropshipping service (coming soon). Alternatively, you can immediately use our buying service with "We Buy and Ship"! We ship worldwide to over 200 countries with major carrier partners. We provide a customized packaging service for your orders. You can assist your customers with their inquiries promptly by outsourcing Delivered Korea's customer support team. You can plugin your Shopify store to our own CROSSBORDERS logistics app. CROSSBORDERS will manage your orders, choose carriers, get the best rates, and download reports (coming soon).

Dropship Process

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Dies ist Ihr Servicebereich. Dies ist ein großartiger Ort, um weitere Informationen über die von Ihnen angebotenen Dienstleistungen zu geben. Sie können eine allgemeine Beschreibung dessen verfassen, was Ihr Unternehmen anbietet, und dann unten weitere Details hinzufügen.Dieser Abschnitt kann für Ihre Website angepasst werden.

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Dropship Support

Sourcing your dropshipping products from a country you’ve never been can be challenging but there’s no need to worry if you work with Delivered Korea. Our dropship support team can help you find the product you’re looking for in the country as well as give you handful information on the best international shipping methods.

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Korea Warehouse

Looking for an inventory or a warehouse space to store products for your dropshipping business? Our free Korean address lets you store anything you purchase from the country so that later on, it’s going to be easy for you to ship them altogether by the best package fowarders in South Korea.


Package Forwarding

Overwhelmed by the international shipping costs from online shopping sites in South Korea? Don’t worry, we have a solution. Delivered Korea has a large network of international carriers and being in the industry for years, we know how to get your products to your customers efficiently and cost-effectively.


International Shipping

Does your e-commerce business have a customer base worldwide? Delivered Korea ships to hundreds of countries without a hassle so your customers receive the package fast and reliably.

Get in touch

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